About Us

SMB is a full scope Midwifery practice that allows women autonomy of their own bodies, with providers who will fiercely advocate for them. We believe that midwifery honors the beautiful dance between mind, body and soul. An incredible collision of science and poetry. We understand that a woman’s confidence and ability to carry, birth and nurse her child/children can be profoundly enhanced or diminished by every single person who gives her care. To that end, we promise to use our science to keep you and baby safe, as you discover and write the poetry that is YOUR pregnancy & YOUR birthing experience!

Your Midwife


Annalee Reid


I began my journey to the birth world as a little girl running around with a Fisher Price doctor’s bag taking temperatures with my plastic thermometer. For whatever reason, I knew from then that I wanted to help babies come into this world. Yes, at 4 years old I felt my calling without ever having been to a birth until AFTER I was enrolled in Midwifery school. Turns out my grandmother was a midwife in Jamaica, but I didn’t find that out until after I was enrolled either!

I finished my undergraduate degree and became a Medical Laboratory Scientist in 2011, and then in the Summer of 2013 I fell in love with midwifery and started on the journey. I have since then attended Midwives College of Utah to become a Certified Professional Midwife, become a Birth doula, lived in Guatemala for 3 months serving at underserved birth centers outside of the capital and in the mountains with the indigenous midwives. I moved back to New York and had to complete a Master’s in Midwifery to be licensed here and so that’s what I did!

I have a deep passion for my community which is demonstrated through my work thus far with SuperMamma Birth Services. From public speaking on women’s health topics, to education for mammas and partners, to Community Baby Showers, advocacy work with the Birth Justice Defenders, and contributing to research for improvement of fetal and maternal health. Midwifery is my heart and soul!

Request a consultation with us here!